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  • 2024: Apple M3 chips support
  • 2023: Gift cards on the webshop
  • 2023: macOS 14 Sonoma support
  • 2023: Moving the piano tuning course to the Netherlands
  • 2023: Sounding reeds can be selected individually
  • 2022: Apple M2 chips support
  • 2022: macOS 13 Ventura support
  • 2021: Prise en charge de macOS 12 Monterey
  • 2021: Prise en charge de Windows 11
  • 2021: Prise en charge des puces Apple M1
  • 2020: Prise en charge de macOS 11 Big Sur
  • 2020: Prise en charge de macOS 10.15 Catalina
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