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176 User experiences

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Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Patrick De Carmo
Location: Canada

Comment: #1762024 October 04English
I purchased this software a couple of years now but only recently had the full use of it. However over the years I have had the most wonderful support from Dirk's each time I had to upgrade or change my computer or move the software from one computer to another. Now I am in full use of the software I can say it was well worth the price I paid for the quality of the support I have received and the use of a user friendly piano software which allows me to obtain a beautiful tuning on my piano. Anyone one who can learn how to use a tuning hammer will most definitely benefit from the use of The Dirk's Piano Software. I thank you.
Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Wessel van Leeuwen
Location: South Africa

Comment: #1752024 April 28English
The Program is well written. I have used it and am happy with it. Happy to see that Dirk is offering it to other instruments. Great.


Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Joel Choy
Location: BC, Canada

Comment: #1742024 April 07English
Very impressed with your demonstration which is very logical and exactly how tuning should be with the help of computer software.
Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: M Gordon Shepherd
Location: Jamestown, NC USA

Comment: #1732024 March 04English
I have a Baldwin studio piano that I tuned several years ago but I hadn't played it for some time. I tried to tune it again lately as it has gone way out of tune. I could get my microphone to be calibrated but sound wouldn't register. Dirk's has given me help to get started, so I know they can be counted on for continued support.
Dirk's Accordion Tuner

Name: Bernard Finnegan
Location: Causeway, Co.Kerry, Ireland.

Comment: #1722023 August 24English
Hello Dirk,

I have just completed retuning an accordion from LMM "Straight" to MMM "Musette", using Dirk's Accordion Tuner, and the software worked very well, giving a delightful result. Many thanks for this,

Best Regards,
Bernard Finnegan.

Dirk's Accordion Tuner

Name: Paul Lethbridge
Location: UK

Comment: #1712023 July 10English
An excellent system for understanding an Accordion's tuning and giving a systematic report to a customer.

Dirk was very helpful when my system failed and I lost the software.

Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Joshua Milrad
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Comment: #1702023 June 02English
Loving this software! :D
Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Juliet Winovich
Location: USA

Comment: #1692023 May 23English
Fantastic product. Easy to work with, and Such a tool to have for fixing at work pianos. The best customer support ever. Can't say how thankful I am. ❤️

JULIET WINOVICH Pianist, Accompanist, Organist.

Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Joshua Milrad
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Comment: #1682023 May 02English
Can't wait to get this working tomorrow! This software looks amazing. Cheers from sunny California, the land of fruits and nuts. :D
HOHNER Harmonica Tuner

Name: Mike
Location: U.S.

Comment: #1672023 March 01English
A great program that even novices like me can make use of to tune our harmonicas with more than a fair degree of accuracy. The KLIQ tuner I've been using is a decent unit if a person is willing to accept less accuracy in the tuning process, but this program not only greatly increases the possible level of precision, it makes it easier to do so as well. What's more, it's excellent measuring pitch accuracy live for those of us who bend notes. Not a bad achievement by any standard.
Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Jan de Rijk
Location: Netherlands

Comment: #1662023 February 24English
Relax, take your time to accomplish a very good result with Dirk's program. Excellent result, easy to carry out. Very nice contact and help. Customer service is great!
HOHNER Harmonica Tuner

Name: James Davies
Location: United Kingdom

Comment: #1652023 January 05English
Dirk's Harmonica Tuner is an excellent tool when maintaining harmonicas. I play in several bands and have about 20 harmonicas in different keys. I wouldn't be without this program to help me check and adjust tuning after cleaning and maintenance. Also, I must say that Dirk provides excellent customer support and service!
Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: John Forster
Location: UK

Comment: #1642022 May 13English
Dirk is very helpful and anything that your unsure of he will always be right there with you to guide you through anything your unsure of, and is always quick to respond to your emails for updates and other questions, my first tune took me a while but it is only a matter of practice until you become quicker and get the hang of it and I have to say I find my home self tune is as good or in-fact better then any professional tuner I have had come to my house over the years, I can not fault this system and it is satisfying knowing your doing your own tuning . . 5 star in every division
Dirk's Accordion Tuner

Name: Richard Brown
Location: UK

Comment: #1632022 April 12English
Really useful program, nicely layed out, clear to read and understand. Good customer service. Excellent.
Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Stephen Smith
Location: UK

Comment: #1622022 March 28English
Dirk offers such a great, simple tool for accurately tuning pianos. I found it also builds confidence in tuning by ear as I can increasingly hear the same variations that I see on screen. Professional customer service, too!
Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Victor
Location: US

Comment: #1612022 January 02English
Wonderful tuner. My hearing isn't as sharp as it once was and this tuner does the trick.
To Dirk's Projects, thank you for restoring my erroneosely deleted program.

HOHNER Harmonica Tuner

Name: Francis
Location: England

Comment: #1602021 November 30English
Wouldn't want to be without it, brilliant. Thanks to Dirk I have been able to reinstall on a new laptop - top guy with top customer service.
Dirk's Guitar Tuner

Name: Stéphane Pira
Location: Belgium

Comment: #1592021 November 11English
Very Sharp! For most of common guitars like electrics, folk, classic and bass. For me the best I ever owned! Thumb up for the oscilloscope
Dirk's Accordion Tuner

Name: Terry Robilliard
Location: West Scotland

Comment: #1582021 October 04English
First rate tuning program, very easy to use producing reports that make accurate tuning so much quicker. My computer failed totally with the loss of Dirk's Accordion tuner program and all had to be replaced. Dirk responded to my call for help without delay and got me up and running in a very short time. Excellent program and equally excellent customer service. It is very gratifying to know that there is a genuine person ready to give support when it is needed. A superb setup altogether, highly recommended, much appreciated.
Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Ivan Julian
Location: New York

Comment: #1572021 July 20English
Dirk's program is Amazing! My Baby Grand has never sounded better. I have tried many others but always had to call the tuner to actually get it in tune; Not with Dirk's. If you follow the instructions the stretch will bring out the true tone of your piano.

Just as important is his customer service. If you have a problem with the installation e.g; change hard drives or computers he answers your email immediately. He should run Apple, Avid and all those companies that treat their customers poorly.

Highly Recommended!

Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: John
Location: Scotland

Comment: #1562021 May 14English
Great product, highly recommend it. Although I prefer tuning my bass to my wife's piano. So many strings on a piano!!
Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Mark McDowell
Location: Canada

Comment: #1552021 March 30English
I have been using D's PT since 2013 on my M&H BB. It produces a near pure 12ths tuning with fully progressive beat rates. The stretch is amazingly coincident with the iH of the partials, and makes a full compass arpeggio sound like a pipe organ.

Highly recommended.

Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Markos Lindsey
Location: Peru

Comment: #1542021 March 15English
I learned to tune on Dirk's Piano Tuner. It is comparable to TuneLab, and it is very user-friendly. Well worth the money!
Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Sukru Uluoglu
Location: Boston, MA USA

Comment: #1532021 February 06English
I have been with Dirk since 2011. The Piano Tuner software works exceptionally well. Never had ANY glitches. Dirk is very helpful and accommodating. Never told my piano tuner I use this software in between tunes and he is amazed how well my piano stays in tune :-)
Dirk's Guitar Tuner

Name: Colin
Location: England

Comment: #1522021 January 31English
Thanks for your tuner. I really appreciate it...
Dirk's Piano Tuner

Name: Pastor Jerry C. Freeman
Location: Michigan, USA

Comment: #1512021 January 23English
I've been using Dirk's Piano tuner for windows for ten years and I absolutely love, love, love it. I lost the ability to hear the low base string vibrations and the upper treble strings as well early on because of an accident which in turn made piano tuning extremely difficult.. This program is so accurate and easy to use that I am able to continue tuning pianos as if the accident never happened, and I believe now with much more consistency and accuracy than before. Thanks Dirk from the bottom of my heart, this has been one of the best purchases I've made in a long long time. As for the service, this is now my third laptop I'm working with, and with each laptop all I needed to do was send out an email to Dirk's Projects and within 24 hours I was back up and tuning pianos again. "A Great Program" and worth every dime...
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